Regulation - Expression International Dance Competition


Before registering, carefully read all the information contained in these regulations.

Competition order by day / section / category

The organization of the subdivision of the categories allows the participants to optimize their stay in Florence in the best possible way, in terms of travel times and costs. To facilitate members and companions, the awards will take place at the end of each category, avoiding unnecessary waiting.

Times are indicative with possible delays or advances in performances of up to 60 minutes

Below is the order of performance:

Friday 21 February 2025 (from 9.45 to 20.30 approximately)*

Hip Hop and Urban Dances
Soloists: Children • Junior • Over
Couples: Children • Junior • Over
Groups: Children • Junior • Over
Hip Hop and Urban Dance Awards

Choreographic Composition
Soloists: Children • Junior • Over
Couples: Children • Junior • Over
Groups: Children • Junior • Over
Choreographic Composition Awards

Saturday 22 February 2025 (from 9.45 to 20.30 approximately)*

Classical and Neoclassical Ballet
Soloists: Children • Junior • Over
Couples: Children • Junior • Over
Groups: Children • Junior • Over
Classical and Neoclassical Awards

Modern Dance / Jazz Contemporary
Soloists: Children • Junior • Over
Awards Modern Contemporary Jazz (Soloists)

Sunday 23 February 2025 (from 9.45 to 18.30 approximately)*

Modern Dance / Jazz Contemporary
Couples: Children • Junior • Over
Groups: Children • Junior • Over
Modern Dance / Jazz Contemporary Awards (Couples and Groups)

* The times are indicative with possible delay or advance of performance even of 60 minutes. The exit orders with the precise times divided by section and category will be published approximately 10 days before the beginning of the Competition.

The table specifies the maximum durations foreseen for each type of choreography

Sections and categories
Duration Choreography
Hip Hop and Urban Dances Soloist: Children – Junior – Over
2min30s (tolerance 15s.)
Hip Hop and Urban Dances Couples: Children – Junior – Over
3min (tolerance 15s.)
Hip Hop and Urban Dances Groups: Children – Junior – Over
4min00s (tolerance 30s.)
Choreographic Composition Soloist: Children – Junior – Over
3min30s (tolerance 15s.)
Choreographic Composition Couples: Children – Junior – Over
3min30s (tolerance 15s.)
Choreographic Composition Groups: Children – Junior – Over
4min30s (tolerance 30s.)
Classical and Neoclassical Ballet Soloist: Children – Junior – Over
2min30s (tolerance 15s.)
Classical and Neoclassical Ballet Couples: Children – Junior – Over
2min30s (tolerance 15s.)
Classical and Neoclassical Ballet Groups: Children – Junior – Over
4min (tolerance 15s.)
Modern Dance / Jazz Contemporary Soloist: Children – Junior – Over
2min30s (tolerance 15s.)
Modern Dance / Jazz Contemporary Couples: Children – Junior – Over
3min (tolerance 15s.)
Modern Dance / Jazz Contemporary Groups: Children – Junior – Over/strong>
3min45s (tolerance 15s.)

NEW – If the jury deems there are professional or semi-professional competitors, with a view to incentivizing growing schools as much as possible, it may decide to award two prizes for the same position. In this way they will be able to share the podium, emerging realities and already established realities. This decision will depend exclusively on the unquestionable judgment of the jury.

A) The competition will take place in Florence on 21-22-23 February 2025 as part of Danzainfiera at the Fortezza da Basso in the Nations pavilion. Download the pavilion plan

B) Depending on the number of choreographies registered, the chronological schedule will be settled, indicating the times and the running order of the competition, with all the categories and sections and will be available 2 days before the competition on this site (the running order may be subject to alterations).

C) This schedule will also be displayed closed to the changing rooms so that the entrances of all the choreographies can be coordinated, avoiding the waste of time and long pauses. Every group, duo or soloist must be getting ready waiting in the backstage during the previous choreography so that they are ready for their own performance.

D) Upon arrival of the contestants, the group leader must be present to collect the folder containing the entrance PASS, timetable, programs and various notices. The group leader must go immediately to the hall where the competition will be held and hand the CD to the staff.

E) The sequence indicated by the schedule must be absolutely respected, unless in exceptional and unavoidable circumstances. The organization will be responsible for promptly communicating information regarding any change to the sequence of entry on stage.

A) The competition is open for the participation of the following configurations of dancers:

  • Soloist
  • Couple
  • Group

A) The competition is divided into the following categories:

  • Children, aged 6 to 10 years old
  • Junior, 11 to 14 years old
  • Over, aged 15 and over (no age limit)

Groups of Over category, dancers aged 15 and over (without age limits), can be composed of 50% of dancers out of age limit. For example, a group of ten people can have up to five dancers out of age limit. “Out of age limit” means participants of different age than that of the group category.

Groups of Junior category, 11 to 14 years old, can be composed of 30% of dancers out of age limits. For example, a group of ten people can have up to three dancers out of age limit.

Groups of Children category, from 6 to 10ChoC years old, can be composed of 20% of dancers out of age limits. For example, a group of ten people can have up to two dancers out of age limit.

“Out of age limit” means out of age of the category the group belongs to.

The “large groups”, that is groups consisting of 11 members and above, will be evaluated individually upon acceptance by e-mail exchange to the address:, specifying the formation of the group, the age of the participants and the participation section. For groups, that do not have out of age limit dancers, organization approval is not required.

The Event Coordinators reserve the right to conduct random checks, also a posteriori, about the regularity of the data entered. 
Any irregularities will be punished with penalties in terms of scoring and / or disqualification. 
In no case the fees paid will be refunded.

The choreography for the specific character or predominant technique, will be grouped into the following sections:

  • Classical and Neoclassical Ballet *
  • Modern dance / jazz / contemporary
  • Hip Hop and Urban Dances;
  • Choreographic Composition **

(*) This section shall not be permitted dances of character.

(**) In this section are allowed every style of contemporary but popular, character and latin dance.

Soloists can compete with more than one choreography, but in different sections. The participation of a soloist with more choreography within the same section is not possible. Groups can compete in multiple sections as long as they have different choreographies.

The Event Coordinators reserve the right to conduct random checks, also a posteriori, about the regularity of the data entered.
Any irregularities will be punished with penalties in terms of scoring and / or disqualification.
In no case the fees paid will be refunded.

A) Choreografies must be registered online, filling the inscription form for each choreography (if you need assistance, please contact us:

B) Each dancer (parents or who acts in dancer’s stead) must accept regulation in each part in order to participate to Expression Competition.

C) You can pay immediately through PayPal. If you pay through transfer you will be asked to provide the copy of the payment to confirm the registration using the button at bottom of the summary email.

D) The Event Coordinator’s Office of the competition has the right not to accept applications without the documentation mentioned in the previous paragraphs, and those that will be sent after the specified deadline.

E) The registration fees for the 2025 edition are as follows:
For each solo choreography: €130
For each choreography for couple/duo: €160
For each choreography per group: €130 + €30 for each member



ATTENTION: the organization will accept registrations until the maximum number of participants is reached according to date and order of arrival.
The organization has the right to close registrations before February 9, 2025 in case of excess registrations.


Registration for the Expression Competition does not include entry to Danzainfiera.
To confirm your registration for the Expression Competition, you will receive an email with the procedure to activate the Dif Code and purchase the daily entry online reduced to 10 euros, for the participants in the Competition and for the choreographer who accompanies them, via electronic payment (card credit, paypal, my bank).

From the end of January, tickets for the public will be available online on the website Access tickets for the public can also be purchased directly at the entrance to the event in Fortezza da Basso.

A) Payment shall be made by money transfer:

  • On line (PayPal, Credit Card, Postepay), account:
  • BANCOPOSTA IBAN IT 13 F076 0113 1000 0009 9185 159 SWIFT/BIC : BPPIITRRXXX to : FIF / IDA

B) Registration fees are not refundable under any circumstances.

C) The Event Coordinator’s Office reserves itself the right to close registrations upon reaching a maximum number of entries and to reject registrations that arrive late, are incorrectly filled in or not signed properly.

C) If bank transfer is chosen as the payment method, payment must be made and sent using the appropriate form received at the time of registration within 5 days from the date of registration. After this term, the subscription will be automatically canceled without the possibility of reactivating it.

In case of failure to reach a minimum number of participants in the organization reserves the right to change date and time of performance or join and / or delete categories. In this case participants are invited to perform in another section or to perform out of competition. In the latter case, if the show turns out to be of a good standard, the jury can award a special prize.

A) It is absolutely forbidden to perform choreographies that are protected by author rights.

B) The themes of the choreographies are free; costumes used in the choreography are considered free but must be decent; the dance mat must be kept clean by the participants, it is forbidden to use talcum powder on the stage and on the body, to use fire, candles or liquids.

C) The only objects allowed on stage are scenery and props necessary to the performance of the choreography and they must be brought on and carried out by the contestants or their own assistants (they must be easy to carry and not excessively large).

D) If the duration of the choreographies were to extend beyond the limits set to the next step, the Chairman of the jury will be able to proceed with the penalization of the choreography.

E) Headgear that obscures the face and does not allow the evaluation of expressiveness cannot be worn.

A) The piece of music used for the competition must be uploaded in MP3 format (single track) in the online registration form at the time of payment or via the link in the registration confirmation email no later than 11-02-2024. It’s important:
– name the musical track with THE TITLE OF THE CHOREOGRAPHY AND THE NAME of the corresponding dancer, couple or group
– before sending, carefully check the DURATION of the TRACK in compliance with the reference category

B) The piece of music used for the competition must also be saved in MP3 format on a USB stick (this is to allow for a security version in case of sudden problems). The flash drive must contain ONLY the music of the choreography performed and must be inserted in a WHITE ENVELOPE bearing:

  • the title and duration of the song
  • the title of the choreography
  • the “section”
  • the “category”
  • the name of the school or group to which it belongs

C) The piece of music may not contain any kind of advertising for the school or third parties and in any case any type of presentation or reference similar to it.

A) A jury of dance specialist and made up of teachers, choreographers and/or well-known personalities will be responsible for the assessment of all the categories and sections. The classification and marks of the Jury are definitive. The regularity of the voting and counting operations will be guaranteed by the Chairman of the Jury.

B) Every member of the adjudicating committee appointed will be informed of the methods and parameters of judgement by the Chairman of the Jury.

C) The competition doesn’t have previous selection. Every judge will express his vote at the end of every single performance allowing the organization to set the classification between a category and the other and make public awarding at the end of the following category avoiding long pauses and time loss.

D) The assessment is divided into six different parameters and expressed in separate vote on:

  • Technique
  • Choreography
  • Choreographic choice (for the ballet)
  • Interpretation
  • Musicality
  • Capacity of synchronization (only for groups)

E) The judges can stop and/or repeat the exhibition if their retain it’s necessary to the good judgement of the performance.

F) The complete results will be published a week after the end of the competition on


If the jury deems there are professional or semi-professional competitors, with a view to encouraging as much as possible the schools that are growing, it may decide to award two prizes for the same position. In this way they will be able to share the podium, emerging realities and already established realities. This decision will depend exclusively on the unquestionable judgment of the jury.

For each discipline will be awarded three prizes for every configuration (soloist, duos, groups):

I category Children:
1st prize plaque; 2nd prize plaque; 3rd prize plaque

II category Junior:
1st prize € 200; 2nd prize plaque; 3rd prize plaque

III category Over:
1st prize € 300; 2nd prize plaque; 3rd prize plaque

Will also be assigned special prizes and scholarships listed here. The jury has the right not to assign scholarships in case of a lack of deserving participant. In case of spare, the price will be divided between the winners. Every winner will receive a plaque. The scholarships are kindly offered and personally assigned by the judges to the most deserving participants independently of the results of the competition.

If the jury deems there are professional or semi-professional competitors, with a view to encouraging as much as possible the schools that are growing, it may decide to award two prizes for the same position. In this way they will be able to share the podium, emerging realities and already established realities. This decision will depend exclusively on the unquestionable judgment of the jury.


Starting from 2024, the sums paid to its members, as athletes and technicians operating in the amateur sector, as a reward for the results obtained in sports competitions, also for participation in rallies, as members of the national teams of discipline in national or international events, by CONI, CIP (Italian Paralympic Committee), national sports federations, associated sports disciplines, sports promotion bodies, amateur sports associations and clubs, are classified as prizes pursuant to and for the purposes of ‘art. 30 co. 2 of Presidential Decree 600/73 (art. 36 co. 6-quater of Legislative Decree 36/2021) and consequently subject to withholding tax at source at a rate of 20%. The amounts indicated as premium are to be considered gross of withholding tax.

Access to the dressing rooms is allowed only to participants in the competition and to one companion per group, in order to avoid gatherings.

A) Measurements: stage in Nazioni hall 12 x 10 m. The stage has it’s own dance floor.

Download hall’s floor plan

All contestants and the group leader must go to the pavilions an hour before their performance, on the basis of that established by the performance program.

B) The photography and audiovisual service for the competition is guaranteed by the organization and is therefore the exclusive property of the latter. During the entire event, it is absolutely forbidden to take photographs or record videos of any kind. Those who wish to have photographs or videos can contact the authorized operators directly.

C) Upon registering, every contestant or representative of the latter gives up all representational rights and the right to any payment for participation in the competition, and authorizes the organization to acquire and use his/her image for promotional and informative purposes authorized by the legislation in force.

D) Participants or their representatives accept all responsibility for their physical fitness. The organization declines all responsibility for damages to people or objects which might occur during the competition, whether caused or endured by those taking part in the competition.

E) Upon registering, the group or soloist accepts, without reserve, every clause and all the contents of each article of these rules.

F) No stage/dress rehearsals are allowed.

G) The contestants will be called to perform by the title of the choreography and entrance number assigned.

H) The organization has the right to modify the Regulation for the best outcome of the event. By subscribing to the event participants agree with that Regulation.

I) In the event of adverse events that prevent the smooth running of the event, the organization reserves the right to modify the event or cancel it.

Keep in touch with us to get all the updates on the competition, the jury, the prizes.

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